DECOM were appointed by the client as Principal Contractor and Principal Designer under CDM regulations 2015. The client, an international power and process company required advice and project management on a complex project on a live processing site. The site had many limitations which had to be worked around and managed to complete the project safely, managing a number of contractors during the project including designers, scaffolders, piping and engineering company, storage tank construction company and electrical and mechanical engineers throughout the 5 month project
Storage Tank Construction

DECOM issued daily permits to work, checked RAMS for the various sub contractors working on the project, checked crane lift plans and were present onsite throughout the work. The first phase was checking the construction of the Storage Tanks at premises off site and installation of new plinths and bitsand base to site the tanks, followed by management of delivery and crane lift of the tanks into position. Scaffold was erected around the new tanks to allow cladding and insulation and installation of new pipework, Cat Ladders and Manways onto the tanks. Decom checked all material data and cladding specifications ensuring the tanks and pipework were tested using hydrostatic testing. The tanks were filled with water and this was held for a period of 48 hours to ensure no leakage, all pipework was pressure tested to 15bar, this was witnessed and signed off by Decom on behalf of the client. All work was carried out with any accidents or incidents, on programme and within budget.