Decom visited site and established the boundaries for each of the 16 areas where removal of plant, equipment and pipework was required. Decom looked at the safest methodology to isolate, decontaminate and dismantle and identified the demolition contractors who had the excellent health and safety statistics and the procedures to safely remove each of the structure. Decom wrote the scope of work and Pre Construction Information Pack as required ny the CDM2015 regulation, we carried out visits to site with each of the 5 contractors and analysed all the bids to ensure everything in the work scope had been allowed for, the demolition was carried out safely, on time and budget.
Easington Gas Terminal Demolition

Easington Gas Terminal operated by Centrica is one of the six main gas terminals in the U.K. and is situated on the North Sea Coast at Easington, East Riding of Yorkshire. The site opened in 1967 and has a number of redundant plant items and pipework that needed to be decommissioning and dismantled, the operators of the site engaged with DECOM to manage the decommissioning and procurement phase writing the scope of work documents and identifying contractors with the right experience and health and safety record to undertake the dismantling works.