Shotton Power Station was a CCGT type Power Station that runs on natural gas and provided steam, condensate and power to the adjacent paper mill and fed all surplus energy back to the national grid, the relative low efficiency of the plant meant is was not viable to continue in operation. The plant however was in good condition and subsequently sold to a company overseas. The project was to dismantle the plant and demolish structures that were not needed overseas. DECOM were engaged to ensure the project was carried out safely.
Shotton Power Station - Dismantling and Demolition

A HAZDEM was carried out which allowed the plant to be safely decommissioned and disconnected from the grid to allow dismantling. All RAMS were checked and permits issued to allow the contractor to safely mark up and dismantle the power station which was put into shipping containers. Diagrams and drawings were collected from the operator along with all maintenance records. Marking of the various elements and recording allowed the whole dismantling sequence to be reversed for construction overseas. The project had a number of challenges which were overcome, particularly with the land which had hundreds of piles which had to be removed as part of returning the land to its natural habitat. The project was carried out with emphasis on safety first, it was delivered ahead of programme and to budget. This lead to repeat business from the client.